Authorization to Verify and Release of Information: I/We authorize Creative Compassion, Inc. (CCI) to check any and all information and/or references contained herein, including but not limited to creditors, employers, and landlords.
CCI may also ask to see and/or photocopy my Driver’s License, Identification Card, and/or Social Security Card for the purpose of confirming my identification or as specific programs require. I authorize CCI and the Federation of Appalachian Housing Enterprises [Fahe] to use my Social Security, or other federally issued identification number for the purpose of obtaining my credit report for the purpose of evaluating my credit history.
I also authorize the release of my credit report to CCI and/or Fahe by those credit reporting agencies from which CCI or Fahe may request my credit report. I understand that the information on my credit report will be used by CCI, its affiliates, lenders, USDA Rural Development, Fahe/Just Choice Lending, or THDA only for the purpose of determining my potential eligibility for a home loan and/or mortgage program. This information will not be disclosed to outside, unrelated third parties without my knowledge.I/we hereby authorize CCI, when appropriate, to share information with USDA Rural Development, THDA, Fahe, HUD, or another relevant third party or partnering agency for the purposes of program monitoring, reporting, compliance, and evaluation.
I authorize CCI to contact me by any method I have provided.
I understand CCI has no control over the security of communication methods outside of its internally owned communication portals, and is therefore not responsible for external security breaches.
I understand that the purpose of this pre-application is to permit CCI to assess my current situation and help me determine which mortgage programs I may be eligible to apply for. I understand that CCI’s role is to assist me in determining my options and potentially applying for a mortgage loan, but CCI may not be my lender. There may be fees associated with the services that CCI provides to me, but I will be advised of such a fee in advance of service.
If I provide specific account information for electronic payment, I authorize CCI to utilize it for my expressed purposes (provided by me either written or verbally). I understand checks must clear before payment will be credited, there is $30 fee for insufficient funds, and that any money previously owed to CCI must be reconciled before new services may begin.
By signing, I/we are verifying that I/we have read and understand the terms set forth within this authorization, as well as, the disclosures and privacy policy that accompany this authorization. I understand that this form is an authorization to collect specific information and assess my situation, and it is not, in and of itself, a loan or credit application.
This authorization will expire five (5) years from the dates below. I/We have read and fully understand the above Authorization. *
Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
CCI is a non-profit Community Housing Development Organization that helps families with affordable housing goals.
CCI receives funding for its housing programs through grants and loans from a number of sources, including but not limited to: USDA Rural Development, US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development [HUD], Housing Assistance Council (HAC), Federal Home Loan Bank, Tennessee Housing Development Agency, and Fahe/ Just Choice Lending.
As the client, you have the right to inquire as to specific relationships CCI or its employees have with other entities. You also have the right to choose (or not) the products or services that you feel are right for your household, regardless of any option presented or recommendation made by the agency. YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO UTILIZE/RECEIVE, OR EVEN CONTINUE WITH SERVICES THROUGH CCI. Your decision to utilize or not utilize certain programs and products will not in any way affect your service. If you decide to discontinue services with CCI, or if your need is beyond the scope of the agency’s capabilities, CCI staff will assist you in locating a more suitable local agency.
Privacy Policy Notice
We may collect non-public personal information about you from the following sources: A) Information that you provide to us orally, written, or digitally such as on applications or other forms; B) Information about your transaction with us or others; and C) Information from others, such as credit bureaus, real estate appraisers, lenders and employers. We do not disclose any non-public personal information about you without your consent to anyone, except: ·information provided to your lender as required to gain approval for a loan or protect your current home, ·to government agencies and grantors in compliance with their respective monitoring and reporting requirements, ·in broader forms to partnering agencies for reporting purposes, joint applications, and/or compilation of statistical data, ·as required by law. To maintain security of customer information, we restrict access to your personal and account information to persons who need to know that information in order to provide you products and services requested with this application. We may disclose certain limited information to relevant third parties as part of a particular service as further described in the specific program authorization. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to guard your non-public personal information. As a client, you have the right to opt-out and direct us to withhold non-public personal information from third parties, or to specify/limit to whom such information is provided. If you choose to opt-out, we will not be able to answer questions from third parties. To opt-out, you will need to make special note of this on this page, written separately, or explicitly stated to your counselor; not signing this page is not sufficient to opt-out. If at any time, you wish to change your decision with regard to your opt-out, you may call us at 931-456-6654 and do so. If you decide to discontinue services through CCI, we will still adhere to the policies and practices as described in this notice. The agency will continue to safely maintain your records for a period of time, of at least three (3) years, after which all digital files will be purged and paper documents will be shredded and destroyed.