Examples of Acceptable Hardship Documentation

Our funders require we maintain proof of hardship when assessing eligibility for utility financial assistance; therefore, we cannot assist anyone who cannot provide proof of hardship.

Please feel free to black out sensitive information, such as social security #s, driver’s license #s, birthdates, type of procedure, description of disabilities, etc. We simply need to be able to see a financial hardship has occurred and can be attributed to your identity.

This program CANNOT be used for:
Hotel rooms                                        Medical payments
Rental deposits                                   Credit card, auto, or other such loan payments
Down Payment Assistance                 Inflation
Set up fees                                          Anything besides rent, mortgage, & utilities

MEDICAL HARDSHIP (Must have happened in the last 6 months)

Hardship CauseAcceptable Documentation
New Surgery DebtBill from procedure, showing the debt was incurred in the last 6 months.  Must be on company letterhead, dated, and show address of person needing assistance.
New/Increased Medication CostNotice showing increased cost
Statement showing past payments and new payment
Being newly classified as disabledLetter from doctor
Letter from Social Security Letter from attorney or disability office stating you are currently applying for disability.
Entering Hospice care*Letter from doctor or Hospice stating services have been initiated. 
*A person with authority can apply on behalf of the person entering Hospice.
Surgical procedure that caused leave from workLetter from doctor

UNEXPECTED CAR REPAIR OVER $200 (Must have happened in the last 6 months)

Hardship CauseAcceptable Documentation
Unexpected Car RepairBill from repair place, on letterhead, dated, showing name of applicant/co-applicant, address, cost of repair.

LOSS OF SPOUSE/OTHER INCOME EARNER (Must have happened in the last 6 months)

Hardship CauseAcceptable Documentation
Death of Spouse / Income EarnerCopy of Death Certificate
DivorceCopy of Divorce Decree
Copy of most recent bank statement showing income loss or removal of person from bank account
Letter from attorney stating divorce proceedings sought

TAKING ON LEGAL GUARDIANSHIP (Must have happened in the last 6 months)

Hardship CauseAcceptable Documentation
Legal Guardianship of minor or other person needing careCopy of guardianship papers
Letter from attorney or other agency stating guardianship process has been initiated

UNEXPECTED LOSS OF JOB (Must have happened in the last 3 months)

Hardship CauseAcceptable Documentation
Terminated by EmployerEmployer termination letter
Reduced hoursLetter from employer stating hours were reduced, on company letterhead, signed, and dated.
Rejection of Unemployment BenefitsRejection letter from unemployment office, on company letterhead, showing applicant’s/co-applicant’s name, dated.